Forest Gene Conservation Association
Conserving the genetic diversity of ontario forests
Ensuring that genetic diversity is recognized and protected as the foundation of a resilient forested landscape. Find out how.

Species Conservation. Seed Expertise. Climate Change Strategy. Forest Gene Conservation.
Our mission is to ensure that genetic diversity is recognized and protected as the foundation of a resilient forested landscape. How do we get there?
Species Conservation
What is Species Conservation?
Learn about the native species of our existing forests.
Seed Expertise
Why save seeds? Increasing the supply of high quality, source identified seed is critical to forest health.
Climate Change
How is climate change affecting the resilience of our forests? These changes are happening now, so what can we do?
Forest Gene Conservation
Conserve, restore and manage forests that will thrive under current and future threats. Learn more
Our Vision & Mission
The Forest Gene Conservation Association (FGCA) is a not for profit organization unique in its focus on gene conservation of woody plant species, which is the foundation of forest resilience under our changing climate.

Staying Warm and Ready: The FGCA is Preparing for an Exciting Year Ahead
Maximizing the Winter Months With New Approaches, New Tools and Strategies in the Coming Year As…
Continue Reading Staying Warm and Ready: The FGCA is Preparing for an Exciting Year Ahead
Black Ash: Recovering A Keystone of Ontario’s Forests
Your Role in Saving Black Ash and Its Ecosystems Black Ash Swamp. Photo by: N. Hunt,…
Continue Reading Black Ash: Recovering A Keystone of Ontario’s Forests

Native Woody Plant Species Map
Ontario is home to more than 100 woody plant species. Which ones are native to your area? Find out by using this map.
Stewardship Notes
Statements of inspiration from our Annual Reports.
species would benefit from our support and network of experts.

FGCA 2022-2023
Annual ReportWe have transformed this past year; leadership has changed, our team has grown and the structure on which we operate has also evolved to grow with us. We are positioning ourselves to take on new opportunities, while continuing to deliver effectively on current programs.

FGCA 2020-2021
Annual ReportBetween 2010 and 2016 FGCA established 5 assisted migration trials with local partners across southern Ontario. These trials were established primarily to investigate the process of assisted migration and to demonstrate generally that the climate is changing and that different sources of seed will be needed to support local afforestation programs.

FGCA 2019-2020
Annual ReportAbout Us
We are foresters, technicians, landowners, ecologists, biologists and seed experts with over 30 years of experience in Climate Change adaptation and forest conservation. Learn more about Our Team, Our Board of Directors, and Our Partners and consider joining the FGCA today!
Forest Gene Conservation Association
275 County Rd. 44
Kemptville, ON
K0G 1J0