Butternut (Juglans cinerea) is listed as Endangered in Ontario under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The main threat to this species is Butternut Canker (Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum) which is a fungus that affects the cambial layer of Butternut. Other threats include tree cutting, habitat loss and hybridization with exotic walnut species. Forest Gene Conservation Association (FGCA) has been working on recovering this species with the help of our many partners.
Butternut recovery starts with gathering material from individuals showing putative tolerance to canker, producing putatively tolerant progeny and reintroducing them back onto the landscape.
Here is what the Forest Gene Conservation Association is doing for Butternut Recovery:
Scion Collection:
Scions are a portion of a tree branch that is used to graft onto rootstock. Scions are collected from pure Butternut trees located across Ontario that are showing signs of resistance to Butternut Canker.
Grafting involves creating a successful union between a scion and rootstock. This work takes place at the FGCA’s Butternut grafting facility in Kemptville.
Planting Seed Orchards:
Butternut grafts are planted within our 6 Butternut Seed Orchards located across Ontario. These orchards are maintained and monitored for seed production.
Seed Collection:
Butternut seed is collected within the orchards as well as from pure wild Butternut across Ontario. Seeds are then used to grow trees for recovery efforts.
The Forest Gene Conservation Association (FGCA) has been working alongside the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) within Butternut Recovery in eastern Ontario. These organizations are supported by experts in Butternut health, Butternut management, seed orchard maintenance, seed collection, etc. to help recover this species.
Butternut Resources
To learn more about how you can help with Butternut recovery, check out many of FGCA ‘s resources or Get in touch with us.
FGCA’s Info page on Butternut for Landowners
Download the Butternut Brochure Landowner Resource Guide Brochure
Visit the Butternut page on Ontario’s Endangered Species Act website.